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My imagination in digital paper

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*Recomiendo leer esto escuchando la canción "Non regrette rien" de Edith Piaf. *Basado en hechos reales. Suspiro, coloco mis audífonos y...

Epiphany of a blossoming flower.

Sometimes we pass through life as if we were the only ones in it, we often think about tomorrow and it’s problems forgetting about what’s...

La taza.

5 de la tarde, ya era hora de continuar con el trabajo. Esta vez la pausa entre clientes fue larga, pero siempre llegan, siempre quieren...

In the middle.

I have not seen her in years, we used to be best friends once, we were very little when I first saw her. Black hair, green eyes, and a...

Little Human.

She opened her eyes at 9:00 AM like every day. Nothing has really changed. The bright clarity shining through the glass was usual as...

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